Via mobihubs we wish to offer a concrete solution to multimodality. We offer the possibility to make the switch from one mode to the other and to choose one mode today and switch to another one the day after. In this way, we offer a full-fledged alternative for car ownership and reflexive habit of car usage linked to it.
Mobihubs provide:
- A full-fledged mobility alternative via multimodality
- A recognizable offer for end users
- A reflex with policy makers and city developpers to optimize the usage of public space.
Mobihubs demonstrate the clear linkage with the changing Flemish policy framework, as well with the transofrmation from basismobiliteit towards basisbereikbaarheid.
Basic accessibility
Mobihubs have a clear position within the Flemish vision on basic accessibility.
Basic accessibility start from a layered transport model:
- The trainnet
- The core net: this net, complementary with the trainnet, needs to offer an answer to the high transport demand on the large axes.
- Complementary net: this net consists of service lines with a distinct feeder function from and to service lines of the core net and train net on the one hand. On the other hand it also consists of more disclosing service lines that compliment the core net.
- Transport on demand: transport on demand is complementary with the core- and complementary-net that shapes the traditional public transport. Transport on demand is an efficient demand-driven transport solution that offers a stop-to-stop but also a door-to-door (incl. stop-to-door and door-to-stop) transport. Bike sharing, taxi transport, car sharing, less mobile service… are all cocnrete solutions for a transport on demand.
In the first place mobihubs are the concrete physical places where transport on demand is able to connect with the complementary, core, or even train net. It makes the necessary link between transport on demand and the higher level transport layers.