Projects working with the concept of mobihubs
SHARE-North project
This project stands for Shared Mobility Solutions for a Liveable and Low-Carbon North Sea Region. The challenges of making transport in the North Sea Region more sustainable cannot be met by technical solutions alone – behavioural changes are also required. Shared mobility modes and their potential to address these challenges are the focus of the SHARE-North project.
Cooperation Bremen and Mpact have been working together with the City of Bremen for several years. First during the CARE-North + project, followed by SHARE-North, both of which are Interreg North Sea Region projects. Here, we work together to promote shared mobility and to inspire each other.
In Bremen, a car sharing station on public street space – that combines other sustainable mode of transport (such as public transport, walking and cycling infrastructure) – has long been called a “mobil.punkt”. Each mobil.punkt is equipped with a pillar and the planning and opening of such a new location encompasses a complete communication and stakeholder engagement plan. Strong branding is one of the reasons car sharing and mobil.punkt in Bremen is so strong: by mid-2018, the city had more than 15.000 car sharers and an ambition for 20.000 car sharers in 2020.
Mobilpunkt in Bergen
In May 2018, the Norwegian City of Bergen, another SHARE-North partner, celebrated the opening of its first mobilpunkt (same name, without the dot). They were greatly inspired by Bremen and used the car sharing icon (developed in the Netherlands) to indicate the parking places and also take the approach to plan mobilpunkte to meet the needs of the surrounding community while always incorporating the same basic elements: clearly marked, visible and accessible spaces for car sharing services on public street space.
Since the concept of mobihubs gained more popularity in Belgium, Mpact and also started promoting it in more rural areas. For Mpact, the concept perfectly fits into the Interreg North-Sea Region project G-PaTRA: Green-Passenger Transport in Rural Areas.
The G-PaTRA project partner “OV Bureau Groningen Drenthe” (NL) is also promoting green transport in rural areas. Just like Mpact, they’re adopting the mobihubs as a solution to provide a better public transport for the community. The project partners strive for pooling options, apps and a testing framework like the concept of quality neighbourhoods (e.g. Beveren-aan-de-Ijzer in Belgium).
Thanks to this project, there will be 55 “travelhubs” in the provinces of Drenthe and Groningen in the Netherlands.
Cities.multimodal project
10 cities from 9 countries jointly plan mobility points and implement these locally to promote the use of multimodal, sustainable transport modes instead of private cars.
The project wants to change the way how citizens move and how they use different types of transport and mobility
The TRANSMOBIL ‘hubs’ offer the residents of the Belgium-France border region a solution for better transport in a region with little alternative to the private car.
The cross-border network of these hubs offers access to alternative transport, to social and commercial services.
eHUBS will demonstrate that shared electric mobility is a real alternative to private cars. This type of transport leads to less emissions, less congestion and behavioural change with the help of smart, shared green mobility hubs
Peripheral acces
The Interreg CE project Peripheral Access aims to improve public transport in remote areas of Central Europe.
Within this project the Regional Management for the Metropolitan Area of Styria extends an existing system of intermodal hubs (called “tim”) in the City of Graz to a rural site in its surroundings